Blast from the past: Fish’ook (1978-1979)

Fish'ook 1

When I was a student at the Guild Teachers College, I created a comic strip based on some cats of my acquaintance, and used them to poke fun at some of the boring bits of our textbooks. Classroom management, reinforcement techniques, behaviour modification, the Oedipus Complex… all good fodder for a little satire.

Fish'ook 2, 3
Fish'ook 4

Fish'ook 5

Fish'ook 6

Fish'ook 7, 8

30 Day Challenge

“Try something new for 30 days”, Matt Cutts

My NSW Department of Education and Communities colleagues on Maang have decided to embrace the advice of Matt Cutts in his TED talk, “Try something new for 30 days” (above).

First up is the Photo Challenge (click for the cumulative slideshow). For the next 30 days, we take a photo a day and post it under the dedicated thread for the day. Day threads will be numbered according to which day we are up to. Subject matter? “What’s happening in your life/work today?” (I’m already experienced in this type of challenge, have done the 365 Photos project in 2009-2010.

Here’s my pic:

Fish'ook and Bluey

These homemade stuffed cats date back to my teachers college days (1979), based on my cartoon characters, Fish’ook and Bluey, who featured in a comic strip in the college newspaper, “Dugil”. They turned up in a vacation cleanup this week; hadn’t seen them in years! (Ah, Hobbytex – remember those roll-on paint-in-a-tube things you bought on party plan like Tupperware?)

Sneak preview: new from Emma Quay!

What a thrill to receive an email from writer/illustrator Emma Quay today, with a link to her just-off-the-hard-drive video book trailer for her new Early Childhood picture book, “Nudie rudie”! The book is due in November.

It’s wonderful, and I reckon it might have you thinking back to days of bath times past at your house?

No more Yammering – welcome to Maang!

Yammer logo

Yesterday, the NSW Department of Education and Communities’ professional “microblogging service”/social-networking web facility, Yammer, gave way to Maang *. Maang is a work networking tool, similar to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. It allows DEC staff to engage in conversations in a closed professional network.

Maang logo

What I’m really loving is the character counter. While Yammer didn’t have a character limit to posts, blogEd does. Too often I’ve been caught out by the mysterious limitation on the number of characters being used. The Maang character counter is most welcome:


Ooooh, and now I’ve learned a new trick:

Maang frame grab
Thanks Stu! (Also see “Comments”.)

Repeat to self: “To capture a portion of the desktop, press Command-Shift-4. A cross-hair cursor will appear and you can click and drag to select the area you wish to capture. When you release the mouse button, the screen shot will be automatically saved as a PNG file on your desktop.Upload that as an attached file.”

* Kamilaroi (also Gamilaraay, Gamilaroi) word for “message stick”.

Four more for the road!

Just in time for the last school day of Term 2, here are four more Guided Inquiry Endangered animals (Stage 3 science & technology).

by Max, Mikahla & Kaelin

by Naomi, Bernise & Quinn

by Monique, Courtney, Patrick & Milo

by Tristan & Luke
Compare the above slideshow with the students’ original storyboard.

Enjoy! Share! And please feel free to comment.

As mentioned previously, just a few points to consider with Photo Peach: Use it as judiciously as you would a series of Youtube clips. Don’t permit students to do open browsing; Photo Peach is a Web 2.0 facility that is open to anyone, and the slideshows are “unrated”. Also, if you notice that new comments have been added to a slideshow you’ve made, please preview the slideshow again before using it with students so you can monitor (and moderate/remove) unwanted comments. (Or close off comments altogether.) Consider a subscription to Photo Peach, which enables you to add your own or Creative Commons music, a wider range of transitions, and the capacity to download slideshows to your hard drive, web space or a CD.