Over at the professional teacher-librarian listservs, OZTL_Net and nswtl, it is customary to post a “hit” of useful feedback to the list when people have elected to send private emails in response to a post. The information is anonymous, in that it’s from private emails, and a hit can save the cluttering up of the actual listserv traffic with lots of “me too” and “well done” posts. A hit also collects useful snippets of information in the one place.
A few days ago, I posted the URL of this blog to both OZTL_Net and nswtl and the emails started coming in immediately. Many thanks for the great feedback, everyone. Some readers responded in the Comments section of the blog itself, but I wanted to share some of the other messages that have come through to me by email.
What is really exciting (and important) is that I’ve already inspired others to take immediate action to plan for using Web 2.0 tools with their classes this year. Blogs! Blog comments! Wikis! Memes! Book raps
As I said last year – on the second occasion I heard about the place of wikis and blogs in education – if I don’t attempt it now, I might never feel “ready”. There’s something to be said about learning along with the students.
* “Good on you Ian. I’ll be reading. I’ve just started writing one too… Good luck on the blogging journey!”
* “I checked out your blog cos I had a spare mo and liked your 10 questions so much I thought I’d have to ask if I can use them blatantly for the book discussion group that I have to set up as an extracurricular activity. I’ll share the blog too but thought I might set up something similar or get the students to do it on our school intranet.”
* “Very impressive, Ian”
* “I checked out your Wiki with the kindy kids. Loved it! Love to try it this year… The stories are great by the way. I’ve set up a Wiki with pbwiki and so am one quarter of the way there.”
* “FABULOUS!!! I can only aspire to bloggin’ at present but I take heart from your bold step”.
“Looks great – very inspiring.”
Thanks everyone! See you here in the blogosphere sometime.
Ian, welcome to the blogosphere… what a great job you are doing right away. That’ll be nice to have another source of inspiration for us all ‘downunder’. On another note, check out your widgets and see what you’d like to include. I highly recommend that you allow recent posts and comments to show in your right nav bar. Give me a buzz any time you’d like a chat.
Good to have you on board 🙂