This term, Stage 2 students are investigating aspects of Built environments in their science lessons. In the library, we shall extending this work by exploring the interior designs of: railway carriages, aeroplanes, ferries and cars. Also, how do people move within the interior of a built environment? ie. stairs, escalators, lifts/elevators.
German ICE train ICE 122 interior – Frankfurt HBF – Amsterdam Centraal
Airline: the story of Pan Am – YouTube trailer version
How to design an aircraft cabin
Simara ACE – ACE link – ferry exterior styling and interior design
Making of BMW i3: interior design [electric car]
20 attractive wooden staircase design
Spiral staircase design | Beautiful collection of staircase designs as modern interior
Sydney wooden escalator at Wynyard (Walkabouter’s guide) #84 [railway station]
And if you’ve ever wondered where the Wynyard Station wooden escalators originally came from…
Luna Park big slide [Coney Island, Milson’s Point]
Elevators – How do they do it?
Otis traction scenic red elevators @ Westin Bonaventure Los Angeles CA
Elevator machine room tour: 1965 Otis gearless traction elevator relay logic unit
Beautiful 100 year old Van Emon elevator @ Golden Gate Hotel San Francisco CA
Tiny vintage Curtis traction elevator @ 100 W 23rd st New York City New York