Today, our whole school participated in the annual ALIA National Simultaneous Storytime with a reading of Nick Bland’s “The very cranky bear”.
The hearing support unit used a Youtube presentation in Auslan. It was so well done that, after I’d read the book to the Stage 1 group who’d used the school library as their venue today, we decided to play the Auslan performance as well.
National Simultaneous Storytime is an eagerly-anticipated annual event!
Aww, what a shame. It looks like the publishers/author only granted a limited permission on the Youtube videos mentioned above. They now default to a “Private” message. Now that the NSS is over for the year, that’s it.
Love the puppets, Bear looks quite fetching with his new stripes. I think Bear isn’t CRANKY in your library, he has a friendly smile. Mrs F
Ah, the AUSLAN presentation is back up!